
My name is Sharon Lamar, aka The Countenance Coach
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I love my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. I want to be more like Him.  Patient.  Kind.  Humble.  And so much more.

It’s kind of ironic how frustrating it can be trying to become more patient. And how judgemental I can be of myself as I try to become kinder. There is a good reason for this.

I am human.

I used to get stuck trying to use will power, guilt or negative self-talk to improve myself.

I found it wasn’t much fun gritting my teeth, or feeling bad about myself all the time.

Then I was introduced to Brooke Castillo and The Life Coach School.

What I learned from Brooke and during my training at The Life Coach School has improved my relationships, my self-confidence, my body image, my relationship with food and how I am contributing to the world.  Brooke taught me how to improve my life in all those areas without using will power, guilt, or beating myself up!

I spent 30 years working in corporate as a Director of Human Resources, Leadership Developer and Trainer teaching others how to be successful and achieve business goals but it is the tools I learned from Brooke and my training to become a Life Coach that have helped me the most in all areas of my life.

Now as a certified Life Coach I get to use my extensive training to help women like you.  Women who want to improve their relationships, their confidence, their physical, mental and emotional health and their contribution in the world.

You now know two things about me.  Let me add one more.  I was single until age 52 when I married my husband.  I had no children of my own but became a bonus mom to my husband’s two grown girls and an instant grandma to two cute toddler boys.  Now we have 8 grandchildren and counting.  All those tools I learned from Brooke have helped me so much as I have navigated my way through my marriage, as a step-mom and a grandma.

The reality of this life is that it rarely turns out as expected.  There are twists and turns, ups and downs, stops and starts…just as it should be.  After all, that is part of The Plan.  I am so grateful to Brooke and all she taught me.  I am honored that I get to help women just like you find answers to any problem you are struggling with, achieve any goal you are chasing and resolve any conflict that is leaving you feeling sad or mad.  And I will help you do it without gritting your teeth or beating yourself up.